Depressed..! Depression Cure Naturally. Tests, symptoms, causes, and treatment. - Farhan's Press


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Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Depressed..! Depression Cure Naturally. Tests, symptoms, causes, and treatment.

                  Depressed.! Finding Depression Cure ?? 

If depression is suspected, it is generally told that "you should see a hospital soon".This is of course true, but on the other hand our body also has "natural healing power".

For example, a cold (acute upper respiratory tract inflammation) is one of diseases, but if it is a light cold, it may be cured only by the natural healing power without seeing a hospital.I can not treat colds and depression as the same thing, but can depression alone be cured by natural healing power alone?

1. Will Depression Cure Without Medical Treatment?

Psychiatry is a department that it is more difficult to undergo consultation as compared with other departments,

2. Conditions of depression that can be cured only by natural healing power.There are many people who wish to cure depression with only natural healing power.

Because it became clear that antidepressants do not have such a dramatic effect so far and because there are problems of side effects, the desire "I want to cure without medicine" has become increasingly impressive in recent years there is.It is a fact that you should not use antidepressants easily. But it is a fact that you should use it for those who need it.It is right to cure only by natural healing power. It is right to cure only with antidepressants. Both of these are mistakes and you should flexibly choose the optimal treatment according to the patient's individual condition.Let's think about if you would like to cure depression with just natural healing power, you can consider what kind of conditions you can consider.

Ⅰ.Be mild:
To cure naturally, it is important that the severity is low.This is the same for physical disorder, if it is a light cold, it will be cured only by natural healing power, but if it is severe pneumonia it will be related to life unless you are hospitalized and do not receive medical care.

           The specific degree of mildness is roughly speaking of a condition such as "There are symptoms of depression, but life is manageable".Actually, in mild depression, there are many reports that there is no difference in the treatment result of antidepressant and placebo (placebo without any ingredients), so antidepressants are not always effective.In other words, instead of using medicines easily, it is also an option to cure with natural healing power. "Because I got hay fever, let's go to the otolaryngology". "Because I caught a cold, let's go to internal medicine". It is quite difficult to see a doctor in the same sense.Therefore, even if I feel mental disorder, I feel that there are quite a few people trying to cure themselves without doing a psychiatrist examination.

      Such people will not come to the hospital in the first place, so there is not much data on what kind of progress will follow. However, do you believe that "curing with natural healing power" is also possible in depression?From the conclusion, this is today, I would like to think about "depression is cured with nature"."Possible if conditions are met"It is considered if certain conditions are satisfied, it will be possible to cure only by your own strength. Depression is also a disease, and our bodies are equipped with 'natural healing power' against disease. Disease is not something that will never be cured unless artificial medical practice is added, it can be cured even by your own power originally.

However, any depression can not be cured naturally. If certain conditions are not satisfied, it would be better to also use medical treatment.In addition, it is difficult to judge that "whether certain conditions are met" by themselves. Therefore, it is desirable to ask the experts (psychiatrists) to hear the opinion of "Whether it can be cured naturally" or "Would it be better to perform medical treatment?" Once it sees that, It is safe to see the examination again.

Also, if it is mild, the minimum necessary activities can be managed somehow, so it will be easy to act to increase natural healing power.On the contrary, depression in severe cases has a difference in treatment outcome between antidepressant and placebo, and antidepressant gives higher treatment results. In case of severe cases, it is not possible to sufficiently activate due to depressive symptoms, and natural healing ability is often lowered, so the necessity to use medicine etc. is also high.

â…¡. It is in an environment where natural healing power is demonstrated. Naturally, if you are trying to curb with natural healing power, not medical practice, you will have to set up an environment where natural healing power will be demonstrated to some extent.

Natural healing power,

  • Apart from great stress (enough mental rest can be taken)
  • The rhythm of life is in place
  • I am moving the body moderately
  • Eating / sleeping is steady

It increases in the situation.If such an environment is set up to a certain extent, there is a high possibility that he can be treated without medical intervention.Moreover, it is important not just that these environments are in place, but also whether it is possible to act such as to enhance such natural healing power.Regardless of how well the environment is in place, if you do not have the energy or spare to do such behavior, medical intervention will still be desirable.

â…¢. Less distortion of cognition:

When you develop depression, distortion may come out in cognition (how things are taken).It captures things in worse ways than usual.As usual it is thought that a passable joke is "I have no worth, so I will be told like that", and even against surprising casual behavior "I hate me like that, "There is a tendency for recognition to be carried out in a bad direction," he said.Whether cognition is distorted or not is not easy to notice by myself. Although distortion of cognition is strong, if you do not notice it and try to cure it with only natural healing power, you think negatively every time you have a problem, so it will not get over so easily.

â…£. I understand to some extent how to rest my mind. The way people give rest to mind differs greatly among people.Some people feel that "When you eat cake is the happiest", others say "Just seeing cakes makes you feel nauseated."The way to rest the body is common to all. When a cold is caught, there will be no objection to the opinion that taking food and moisture firmly, warming up and going to bed.But the way people rest their minds varies from person to person.Therefore, there are not a few cases that you do not know how to rest your heart.If you are trying to curb only with natural healing power, you need to be able to understand how to rest your mind to a certain extent.

3. Even though I want to cure with natural healing power, I should visit a hospital at least once.
From the story so far, even if you want to curb only with natural healing power, it can be said that it is safe to judge from the hospital once you go to the hospital.Because mental illness is difficult to see symptoms, it is difficult for you to judge yourself 'Is your condition just cure with natural healing power' on your own.

If it is a cold, you can judge your condition to some extent from easy-to-understand symptoms such as your own fever, cough, headache.However, in case of depression, judgment such as "Do you have distortion of cognition?" Can not be done by one person alone. Most of those who have distorted cognition do not realize that distortion of cognition is occurring to themselves.

Also, with physical disorders, there are many common ways for all people to rest their bodies, so there is not much the wrong way to do that. However, in mental illness, the way to rest the mind is different for every person, so there is a danger that you will not misunderstand how to rest your heart and make mistakes in your way.Therefore, it would be a safe way to think about the treatment policy after having a psychiatric examination once and asking the expert to decide "whether it can be cured only by natural healing power".If this cognitive distortion is strong, you need to be aware of it and make appropriate modifications.Whether there is distortion of cognition or not is not easily noticed by oneself, so it is preferable to see a specialist once again whether it corresponds to this.

4. A case of depressed patients cured only with natural healing power. Depression may be suspected but if you do not want to see a psychiatric department, you may answer "If you go to psychiatry you will be given medicine without fail" when asked why.But there is not such a thing.Of course, we recommend medicine if the need for medicine is high. However, if it seems likely to be able to treat other medicine, I will propose a method other than medicine.

5. A study on what happens if depression is not treated
There are few studies on what happens to depression patients who do not have medical treatment, but it is not because they are not.

anxiety-2902575_1920For example, many of antidepressants use placebo (a placebo without any ingredients) as a comparative subject, but depression treated with placebo also improves depression at a constant rate over time. This may have a placebo effect, but you may think that you are healing with natural healing power.Posternak et al. Tracked and compared untreated patients with depression and depression patients who intervened for treatment for 15 years, respectively.Then, in the untreated group, it recovered at a median of 13 weeks, while in the treatment intervention group it recovered at the median 23 weeks.In addition, when comparing the recovery rates of the untreated group and the treatment intervention group,

Recovery rate 1 month after 2 months 3 months 6 months after 1 year 2 years later
Not treated group 23% 37% 52% 67% 85% 89%
Treatment intervention group 15% 26% 38% 52% 70% 75%
And the untreated group had a higher recovery rate.Looking only at the results of this research, it may be felt that "medical treatment is rather harmful".

However, people in the untreated group who think that "Do not see a doctor at the hospital" are likely to be mildly in the first place, and those who go to hospitals on the contrary may also contain severe cases .If you compare the rate of improvement of mild depression with the rate of improvement of severe depression, it is natural that the improvement rate of the former is higher. Because of the possibility that the severity of depression of both can differ, it can not be said that "medical treatment is meaningless" only with this result.

However, the point to note in this study is that there are never few cases of curing with only natural healing power without intervention.When I say sickness, we tend to treat medically, but do not forget that "natural healing power" is inherent.

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