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Wednesday, November 20, 2019



                  ARE YOU STRESSED OR DEPRESSED!                                 LET’S GET IT SORTED

          I am so much stressed these days, getting depressed more and more with the current situation of mine. Nothing is happening to me as I wanted them to happen. Gradually it feels like I am losing myself and living a life where the existence of myself is about zero.
           Hey, yes I am talking to you. Do you get that same negative questions popped up in your brain every day when you choose to do something and that doesn’t happen as you want it to be or you failed miserably after trying your dream work or maybe your dream plans.


           It’s totally okay my friend. Everyone feels the same way when they fail to get something in which they are working so hard and with great effort. Suppose you and more ten people are in the same course, where your lecturer ask from all of you to submit an assignment on a specific date. After that, all of you started working so hard on that project because your lecturer declared the person with the best project results will get an appraisal and a mesmerizing gift.
           So the question is, is there anyone who thought that there will be only one winner from all of them? I can definitely say with full confidence everyone thought that he or she will be the winner for that project. We always prompt ourselves in winning situations. We never let us think that we can fail also when it’s the most important thing to fail. Because it is the process of learning and stepping ahead to your goals. We always scare to lose, to fail, to show the real us in front of the real world just in fear that what people will say? And if I do so what people will think about me?

My friend, when you choose to be yourself only and only then it will be the best decision and then you will be able to see the world as you want to see. There will be people who will talk behind you, about you in your back, about the mistakes you made, Because they want to turn off your speed by telling what you didn’t able to do. The easiest the simplest way of getting rid of those peoples and negative vibes are as follows:

Find out the reason:


                        There must be a reason behind your failure. It’s far good to think about what improvements you can do from the next time rather than thinking about the mistakes you did and listen to their words and blaming the situation. There is a saying that “Time heals”.

Work on yourself:

                       The best thing that one can do is working on himself. If you can find that thing in which you should work on you will much feel relief as soon as you start working on it. Because it gives you a feeling that you are going to be okay after that correction in your life and the things will occur in the same way again as you want them to be happen.

Set a goal:


               You must have a goal. If you are someone without a goal at one point you will be blank like what should you do after that point. That’s why one must have set a goal. Then you can relate life in a very great way. Then every morning you won’t feel the same way you used to feel. It will inspire you to lead your life that way so that you can say that in every breath you have taken there is all of you existed.

Learn to admit you fault:
                  No one can be perfect in every way. It’s great to do mistakes but with an honest intention. It’s normal also that people do mistakes because otherwise how can they realize that what is the definition of perfection. A mistake is a step forward to your goal but doing nothing in fear of mistakes is ten-step backward from your goal. When you learn to admit your fault you can learn the correct thing also.

Learn to be happy with yourself:


                           The ultimate and the most important thing is if you can’t happy with yourself and what you have now then how can it possible you can be happy with other things and other people or anything surrounds you. We always should look down when we are not okay something that we want. Because that reminds us how lucky we are with what we have when some people dreaming to be in our position. Be happy and always try to do good for others even if no one’s watching. That helps to empower you within yourself and build a positive imbibe in yourself.

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