Benefits of Walking. Good Things For Health. Benefit Of Walking Everyday. Walking Benefits For Weight Loss - Farhan's Press


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Saturday, February 10, 2018


Benefits of Walking. Good Things For Health. Benefit Of Walking Everyday. Walking Benefits For Weight Loss

            Benefits of Walking. Good Things For Health.

As in walking, movement exercising over a certain amount of time without putting too much burden on the body is called aerobic exercise. In aerobic exercise, slow breathing takes a lot and oxygen is taken into the body a lot. As a result, it can lead to effects such as carbohydrate and fat burning, strengthening internal organs and cardiorespiratory function, and improving blood flow. In walking, we walk faster with wider steps than usual, so you can naturally capture oxygen with big breathing, increase heart rate, and circulate blood. A good aerobic exercise for the body, easy to do is a great advantage of walking.

Walking that helps the carbohydrate and fat burning and enhances the functions of cardiovascular and other cardiovascular facilities is optimal for prevention of lifestyle diseases. By starting walking, if your interest in health rises and you become more aware of the overdose of snacks and tobacco, you will be able to further reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases.

During walking, because it takes in a lot of oxygen with large breathing, it can deliver fresh oxygen to the brain, which is useful for activating the brain. At the same time, because walking can make whole body muscles work, we can also convey moderate irritation to the brain due to muscle contraction. In addition, the act of walking can also stimulate the sole of the foot, which is considered good for activation of the brain.

⇆Stress relief

 Eliminate stress by sweating pleasantly with light exercise.

⇆Preventing falls

 It leads to muscle strengthening of the whole body, especially the legs, so it is effective for preventing falls.

⇆Prevention of osteoporosis

 Enhance bone density by bone stimulation.Promotion of vitamin absorption by taking sunlight

↪Tips to keep walking happily

Many people may have been misunderstood, so if you tell in advance, "walking" and "walking" are completely different things. Walking is an aerobic exercise that increases the condition of the body, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a kind of "sports". If you ask sports, you may feel like a lot of trouble and you may feel difficult to keep on for a long time. So then, how can you keep walking fun and long?

For example, let's set a destination and walk as "Shrines and temples and gods tour" and "Tour of tourist attractions". By aiming at your destination, enjoying the scenery in the road, walking itself will become fun. We also recommend walking with cameras, paintings, bird watching and other hobbies. If you are walking around your home, from the usual landscape, walking by looking for something interesting is also a hand.It may be nice to say "walk aiming at a familiar coffee shop". Also, it may be easier to continue to start with your friends than to start alone. Using the pedometer, checking the number of steps and distance is also a trick that keeps going on for a long time. Many people increase motivation for walking by increasing records.

In any case, enjoying walking is a premise. Please try on your own pace, in a way that you can continue without difficulty and enjoyable. For improving your health, do not pull yourself out of the air. When your physical condition is not good, take a good rest and let 's walk healthily on a good day.When I want to walk, when there is time to walk, it is the beginning of walking! Let's begin by making "My Course" centering on your home. I do not have to go out so far. It is also a good idea to walk a wide park or riverbed. As I get used to it, I gradually extend the distance. When walking through the city, you may find new discoveries and encounters when you walk along a road you have never walked before. However, at times of fullness and hunger, the burden on the body will increase, so please avoid it.

1. Way of walking:

First of all, let's remember the correct attitude of standing. Shoulder, hip, ankle, making it be straight. Please be careful that the shoulder and pelvis will be level as seen from the front.

2. Stride Length:

I try to take it about 10 cm wider than when walking normally. Please aim to be able to walk with a stride of about half the height.

3. Time To Walk

Let's start from 10 to 20 minutes at the beginning and 30 minutes and 1 hour if you get used to it, gradually extend it. In daily living walking, it is said that it is about 3 thousand steps, so if you increase it to 5 thousand to 10 thousand steps by walking, the effect will be big.

4. Speed

Let 's walk a little faster than when walking normally. It is not good to be fast, so please do not push yourself.

5. Always Hydrate

When walking, let's take the moisture firmly. It is a good idea to carry water with plastic bottles and carry them. Tea is also good for taking moisture, but caffeine contained in tea and coffee does not recommend because it has a diuretic effect. Sports drinks can take not only moisture but also salt and mineral components quickly, but because they contain a lot of sugar, it is better to dilute with sprinkling with water. Please try to hydrate once every 15 ~ 20 minutes.

6. Items Required For Walking

Walking is the most advantageous when you feel free to start without having to prepare special tools and facilities anytime. However, if you want to enjoy it in full swing, let's prepare firm shoes first. Because it will halve the enjoyment and the effect of walking if it feels a burden on the feet.
It is not limited to walking, but the point of picking shoes is to choose "one that suits your feet". Wide width, high instep, there is hallux valgus ...... The shape of the foot varies widely. When purchasing shoes, be sure to try purchasing after trying on.
Recently, there are shops that measure the shape and size of feet by computer, special shops that handle shoes for walking, etc. Please actively use it. When picking shoes, the evening is recommended. In the evening, foot is swollen compared to the morning so you can choose shoes with moderate leeway.

 Points Of Picking Shoes:

(1) Choose shoes with good breathable material and structure
(2) Let's ensure that you have enough room to move your fingers
(3) Let's check if there is flexibility not to hinder the bending and stretching of the foot
(4) Let's land from the heel, so let's check the cushion of the heel portion
(5) Let's choose shoes of the shoe sole of material and structure that are not slippery even in rain and snow

Dressed clothes such as jersey are the best for clothes. Avoid clothes like tightening your body. Also, as you walk, you sweat, so underwear and so on are easy to absorb moisture, let's choose what is easy to dry. Also, let's always wear socks. It helps to prevent injuries such as shoes, as well as the difference in fatigue level comes out.
It is also important to cover the hat as much as possible. It is not just about avoiding intense sunlight in the summer. Even in a scene that falls and hits the head, it can also prevent laceration if there is a hat. Besides that, it is very convenient if you have a poncho for rainy days, a backpack containing water and food, and a waist pouch.

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