YouTube New Rules...! Incomes Getting Safer Or Getting Harder?? - Farhan's Press


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Wednesday, January 17, 2018


YouTube New Rules...! Incomes Getting Safer Or Getting Harder??


               You Tube New Rules. Latest/Updated You Tube Rules                    


In the first sense when an ordinary person heard about You Tube, he/she thinks about a place where videos can be watched. The place where many solutions can be found easily or the place for real recreation.

Then it comes to the people who are doing You Tube as profession.The people who basically do You tube for living, partially do You Tubing as a part time job for some extra income. In very first it was really easy to run a YouTube channel because there was not so much rules regarding restrictions and community guidelines rules.but as time passed You Tube becoming harder and safer for the "You Tuber".

Then It comes to the word "Monetization" by which a You Tuber can earn money from You Tubing.Also he/she must need an AdSense account to transfer the money from You Tube. That time that was really easy to make profit from You Tube. But as times were passing by You Tube getting harder and harder in case of Copyright and Community Guidelines and in terms of Restrictions(Age).

At very first there was no such rules to be qualified for Monetization. everyone can turn on their each videos as Monetized from the beginning. So for every You Tuber it was quite easy to make money from it.


Then comes the real hard rules that not everyone is eligible for Monetization. To be qualified as monetized channel, every You Tuber have to touch the Level Of 10000 Views at least.

After some time there comes a new rules which clarifies that all channels need at least 4000 watch hours in the previous 12 month with 1000 Subscribers.


So now it is not only difficult almost quite impossible to grow with 1000 Subscriber and 4000 hours watched. Most of the channels will be vanished who were already making money from You Tube. Those people will now be unemployed. And most of them will be depressed so badly because there channel will no longer be eligible for Monetization.

So whats the point in making such kinds of rules where people will be get depressed and take a back stand from You Tube because just they are real You Tuber and they don't have 1000 Subscriber. Now they will start thinking how it can be possible to grow a channel with 1000 subscribers. For that subscriber issues many good You Tuber will take a back stand from their desired profession You Tubing.

But in other sense it is also very good steps for the established You Tuber that their competitor decreased in a simple way. They don't have to think about the local competitor anymore because after that rules most of are vanished by You Tube itself.

They are focusing now even more on the safety issues and doing some great work in case of its clients profit and much more. They are focusing  also in the ad section which was not better before , that's why after considering whole thing we can say that "The people" who were established themselves in You Tube before that rules they were so lucky enough that they didn't have a pressure on them to grow with this rules.

As the rules are made so now it's going to be a tough one for any one to grow a channel with the recommendations.So it is tough now for anyone to cross that level for qualifying the Monetization, But in other sense without the real You Tuber no one can survive a long Distance anymore if someone don't have the unique idea to go with.

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