Popular snacks! Chocolate diet 7 effects and how to lose weight - Farhan's Press


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Sunday, November 17, 2019


Popular snacks! Chocolate diet 7 effects and how to lose weight

           Popular snacks! Chocolate diet 7 effects and how to lose weight:


From children to adults, a popular snack for many people "chocolate". It is sweet and delicious, I cannot say anything about melting in the mouth. On the other hand, chocolate contains high calories and a lot of lipids. Therefore, if you eat too much, there is a fear of fat, so many people think that you are "a snack without a diet". It is such chocolate, but in fact, you can lose weight if you devise how to eat. It might be a surprising story, but the way to devise is also very simple. So this time we will introduce the popular snack, the effect of the chocolate diet and how to lose weight.

                       Diet component contained in chocolate:

Why is chocolate good for diet ...? The reason is in "diet ingredients" included in chocolate. What is that diet component? Insoluble dietary fiber; Polyphenol; It is two. When taking these ingredients, our body is said to be good for dieting because it becomes easy to lose weight. Moreover, chocolate can also be used for health. It's not only we can lose weight, but we can also make a healthy body.

                     Concrete effect of chocolate diet:

Even though it is said that "chocolate is good for a diet," I think that there are also many people who cannot believe it. So, let's introduce one specific example of the specific effect of the chocolate diet.


    1. The stomach swells to suppress appetite:

Speaking of chocolate ingredients, it is "cocoa". Cacao contains dietary fiber such as "lignin" and "hemicellulose". Indeed, these dietary fibers are "insoluble dietary fiber" which is hardly soluble in water and it is a nice ingredient for those who diet. When eating chocolate, insoluble dietary fiber enters the stomach. Then, insoluble dietary fiber absorbs moisture and bulges tens of times. In other words, when you eat chocolate, your stomach swells so you can expect an effect to suppress your appetite when you are hungry. In the following article, I will show you how to suppress appetite other than chocolate diet, so please have a look.

     2. Raise the metabolism by making the blood smooth:

Cacao which is the raw material of chocolate feels bitter when eating. The bitter taste is "polyphenol", it has the effect of making the blood smooth. There is "cholesterol" in the blood flowing through the body, and when it is oxidized it will adversely affect the blood vessel and the flow of blood will be worse.
Polyphenols prevent oxidation of such cholesterol. Eating chocolate and taking polyphenols improves blood flow and activates the body to increase metabolism. The higher the metabolism goes up, the more calories burned, the easier it is to lose weight. It is very important to raise the metabolism, it is effective for dieting.

     3. Eliminate constipation and refresh your belly:


I think that there are people who are suffering from constipation among those who are dieting. Constipation not only makes your stomach unpleasant but also makes it easy for waste to accumulate in your body, causing swelling in your body. The swelling of the body is a troublesome thing that looks fat than the actual weight. It is important to improve the workings of the intestines to eliminate constipation that causes swelling. So effective is chocolate. As mentioned earlier, chocolate contains insoluble dietary fiber of cocoa but insoluble dietary fiber has the effect of activating an intestinal function. As the function of the intestines improves, it is easier for the stool that remains in the large intestine to be discharged, which leads to the elimination of constipation.

    4. There is also an effect to alleviate stress:


While I'm on a diet, I will endure what I want to eat and do exercises I do not want to do, so it becomes easy to accumulate stress somewhat. Such stress is the enemy of diet! When stress builds up, the motivation to go on a diet will get worse and it will cause you to stop on the way. To alleviate stress during such a diet, "polyphenols" contained in chocolate are effective! .It suppresses the increase of hormone which causes stress and can reduce the response to stress.

     5. It is seen young with beautiful skin effect: 

"Bioactive oxygen" in the body is involved as a cause of body aging. The reason is that as active oxygen in the body increases, active oxygen will damage the cells of the body. So, in order to keep your body youthful forever, it is important to suppress the function of active oxygen. Therefore, it is "polyphenol" which is also appearing again. There is also the effect of suppressing the function of active oxygen how.
Also, the effect of making the blood of chocolate smooth is that the blood gets to the skin firmly, so the make-up and effect of make-up are also high. So, if you are not confident about your skin, you might as well try eating chocolate.

   6. To prevent lifestyle diseases:

It causes "lifestyle diseases" that many people have heard, such as. As mentioned earlier, chocolate has the effect of discharging extra cholesterol in the blood out of the body, which will prevent arteriosclerosis. In other words, chocolate also leads to the prevention of lifestyle diseases.


7. Refresh your head:

As time passes while living every day, my mind is getting tired and my thoughts slow down. The reason is that glucose in the body is decreasing, and glucose is the only energy to work the brain. Even then, chocolate is useful. Because it contains sugar, if you can eat it will increase the depleted glucose in the body. As a result, energy reaches the tired brain, and work becomes active. And my head is refreshing.

     What's the calorie value of the chocolate you care about?


 How many calories are actually there? There are various kinds of chocolate, but the calorie of common milk chocolate is. Approximately 560 kcal at 100 g. By the way, the weight of one sheet of chocolate is 50 g, which is approximately 280 kcal when converted. As rice which we often speak will be 170 kcal at 100 g, I think that you can understand the high-calorie content of chocolate.
Even if chocolate is good for a diet, if you overeat it will easily become fat?

                                 The right way to chocolate diet:

To make this chocolate diet successful you need a bit of ingenuity on how to eat chocolate. Here we will introduce the correct chocolate diet method.

                      Choose a bar of important chocolate:


In the chocolate diet, the most important thing is "chocolate selection". If I make this wrong, I cannot diet with chocolate. There are various kinds of chocolate, but it becomes fat with sugar like milk chocolate and chocolate with many lipids. So, what kind of chocolate is suitable for chocolate diet...? That is Chocolate with a cacao content rate of 70% or more is. Because "dietary fiber" and "polyphenol" contained in cacao have a wonderful diet effect, the more cacao contained, the higher the diet effect will be.

         Eat 20 minutes before meals three times a day:

Chocolate can reduce appetite thanks to insoluble dietary fiber. Therefore, by eating chocolate before meals, you can suppress the amount of meal after that. For example, if 50 g of chocolate is eaten 20 minutes before three meals in the morning, afternoon and evening, it is very effective for dieting. Twenty minutes after eating chocolate, the feeling of hunger will end. If you eat chocolate just before the meal, you will eat before hunger drops down and you cannot control the amount of meal.
Moreover, as the blood glucose the level rises soon after eating the chocolate, let's notice that the meal will easily become fat.

                          Eat as snacks for subdivision:


If you are on a diet, your stomach may become easy to open up and you may want to shackle together.
But I'd like to avoid snacking while I'm on a diet. If you eat between meals, you may get too many calories and get fat. Still, if you want to eat snacks, by all means, let's make a chocolate diet. Instead of eating chocolate grueling, you just divide the chocolate into small pieces and you can even appetite just by eating little by little. Anyway, eat snacks will get fat if eating too much, eating little by little will become a point.

Tips to increase the effect of the chocolate diet:

I introduced the method of chocolate diet, but there are tricks to raise the effect. When eating chocolate, eat it slowly and taste. In this way, even a small amount of chocolate makes the stomach swell more easily. The amount of chocolate you eat per day is up to 50 g, but if your stomach swells in small amounts you can reduce the calorie intake. Also, if you can eat chocolate in your mouth quickly, you will want to pick up the next chocolate again. Let's take advantage of the diet effect of the chocolate well by tasting slow and eating!

                   "Low chocolate" best suited for diet:


To make a chocolate diet, chocolate with a cacao content of 70% or more is the best, but there are more effective chocolates for dieting. That's "low chocolate". It is made of unheated chocolate, it is made at the low temperature of 45 ℃ or less. Moreover, unlike other chocolates, I do not use "sugar" or "milk powder" at all.
So low chocolate is more suitable for diet than chocolate with cocoa content of 70% or more. Just for low chocolate, there are disadvantages. It can only be purchased at the net shop and depending on the thing, there are even more than 500 yen at 50 g. In other words, it costs you to make a chocolate diet with low chocolate.

                                   How was that?

With ordinary images, even foods that seems not good for dieting can be used for dieting by devising methods of eating. "Chocolate" introduced this time is one such one. By keeping the type of chocolate, the amount of food you eat, and the timing, you can diet. If you like chocolate and have the patience for a diet, why do not you try challenging the chocolate diet you introduced this time? Of course, even those who cannot stand sweet food and cannot diet is a perfect diet method.

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