Brown rice diet benefits/ Must-see rice! - Farhan's Press


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Sunday, November 17, 2019


Brown rice diet benefits/ Must-see rice!

Seven hundred methods of brown rice diet / Must-see rice!

Speaking of rice is "carbohydrates". I think that some people will refrain from this carbohydrate while on a diet. If you take too much "carbohydrate" contained in carbohydrates, it causes fat on the body so it will become a diet by refraining from taking carbohydrates. Rice is a staple food for us Japanese. Among those who are on a diet, I think that some people love rice. But while I'm on a diet I have to refrain from rice... Therefore, it is "brown rice" which is perfect for those who want to eat rice even while on a diet. Brown rice is a rice that is also eaten as a "diet meal", it has not only diet but also other excellent effects. So this time, we will introduce the hanging effect and method of brown rice diet.

                     Brown rice is "complete nutrition meal"

Rice which we talk about is pure white "white rice". White rice is a refined version of brown rice, it removes the skin attached to the surface of brown rice and makes it white.

                     Reason called complete nutrition meal:


Why are you doing that? I eat it by cooking the brown rice as it is, it feels the peculiar grain-like smell and I cannot feel it tasty compared with white rice. Therefore, rice which we speak is white rice mainstream. However, compared with brown rice and white rice, vitamin, mineral, dietary fiber. And can take most of the nutrients necessary for human beings to be healthy from brown rice. For that reason brown rice is said to be a "complete nutrition diet", it is a topic that it is good for "diet" "beauty" "health".

                 Brown rice has been eaten for a long time:

For example, you often hear and listen to on television, magazines, reviews, etc. often hear the phrase "Let's eat more than 30 items of ingredients a day!" This is because I think that white rice is a staple food if I do not eat more than 30 items of food a day, it is said that "I cannot take the necessary nutrients for the day". But it is hard to eat more than 30 items a day? However, old people seemed to have been able to take the necessary nutrients on the 1st day even if only 3 items, "one noodle", "staple food", "soup" and "side dish" was individually prepared. The reason for this was because the staple food was "brown rice".
Thanks to the brown rice, we just had to eat nutrition firmly just by eating one piece of soup and side dishes other than staple food. As much as that, brown rice is abundant in nutrition.

Let's compare nutrients of "brown rice" and "white rice":

Well, it turned out that brown rice has higher nutrients than white rice, but how much difference is in nutrients? The following table is nutrients contained in 100 g of brown rice and white rice.

                 Let's see the effect of the brown rice diet in detail!

Brown rice is a nutritious ingredient, there is a diet law called brown rice diet. Then, in fact, what effect does the brown rice diet bring to our body? You are interested, are not you? From here I would like to introduce the details of the effects of a brown rice diet.

    1. Feel full of satiety and also increase metabolism:

Brown rice has a harder texture than white rice, and cannot be swallowed unless you chew well. Chewing stimulates the brain, making it easy to feel fullness. In other words, if you eat brown rice, the frequency of chewing with nature will increase and you will feel a feeling of fullness. If you feel easy to feel full, you will not eat too much of eating so it will be easier to diet. Also, brown rice is said to have more metabolism than eating white rice, body fat is said to become difficult to accumulate. The reason is that brown rice suppresses the absorption of sugar and slows the rise in blood sugar levels.

    2. Reduce neutral fat:

Neutral fat increases in the blood when you take "lipid" and "sugar" in the meal, and if you take too much, the blood becomes stinky. When the blood becomes stinky, blood flow becomes bad, metabolism falls and body fat becomes easy to accumulate. To prevent blood from becoming stinky, it is good to refrain from ingesting lipids and carbohydrates, but it is also recommended to eat brown rice. It is known that there is an effect to prevent the increase of neutral fat in the blood and to smooth the blood. When comparing those who ate the same dish with brown rice and those who ate with white rice, the one who ate brown rice rather than white rice decreased the amount of neutral fat in the blood after eating That's right.
This is the effect of "vitamin B 1" contained in brown rice, it has a function to efficiently change the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates in the blood into energy. If you eat greasy dishes, you can also prevent lipid and carbohydrate fat by eating together brown rice.

     3. Constipation resolution:


Brown rice contains insoluble dietary fiber 7.4 times as much as white rice. When insoluble dietary fiber enters the stomach or intestine, it absorbs moisture and bulges many times, the amount of stools increases, stimulating the intestines and activating the function of the bowel. When the activity of the bowel becomes active, the bowel defecation effect increases and it leads to the relief of constipation. In order to digest further meals, we use a lot of energy and metabolism also rises.
Brown rice is a perfect ingredient for people who are suffering from constipation and those who are falling metabolism due to constipation.

     4. Eliminate swelling:


It is said that swelling is caused by the accumulation of "waste products" and "toxins" in the body, such as blood flow becoming worse and becoming constipation. As my body swells, I feel fat over my weight, so it is a very troubling symptom. Brown rice is also effective for such body swelling. With the effect of reducing neutral fat and smoothing blood and the effect of relieving constipation, it is possible to discharge waste products and toxins accumulated in the body out of the body.
Also, brown rice contains a lot of "potassium". Potassium has the effect of discharging extra salty that accumulates in the body and can also eliminate swelling caused by too much salt intake. In other words, brown rice is a perfect ingredient for swelling. If you are suffering "If your diet and lose weight, but your body size does not change ..." Let's make a brown rice diet by all means!

   5. Stress relief:


When I'm on a diet, I think that it is often stressful to put up with my appetite with dietary restrictions or not getting thin enough. If the stress exploded, you ran to overeating, you can have something to eat the diet ... so far. Brown rice has an effect also on stress during such a diet. Brown rice contains a kind of amino acid called GABA (GABA), it is said to have the effect of relaxing the tension of the brain and stabilizing the mind. In other words, if you do a brown rice diet, it will eliminate irritation during dieting.
It is also good to have a habit of eating brown rice to keep calm and keep on dieting.

    6. Antiaging:

It is said that our body is oxidized and damaged by "active oxygen" and aging progress. Also, due to its active oxygen, cells may become abnormal and may become "cancer". It is "vitamin E" which is also called rejuvenating vitamin, which has the effect of suppressing such as active oxygen. In the embryo part of brown rice, vitamin E which is not in white rice is packed abundantly. In other words, if you eat brown rice and absorb vitamin E, it prevents oxidation of cells by reactive oxygen so you can expect the effect of preventing aging.

   7. Beauty effect:

The effects of brown rice that we have introduced so far all lead to cosmetic effects. That's because brown rice 'vitamins', 'dietary fiber', 'potassium' etc. make the body healthier and healthier, making it the fine skin of fine texture. Furthermore, it is said that proteins contained in brown rice become the source of "collagen". If you eat brown rice, collagen is made in the body, it becomes elastic skin. It is about hoping for such a beautiful effect that there are many people who eat brown rice for beauty reasons.

Let's eat brown rice as "germinated brown rice":

Germinated unpolished rice refers to unpolished rice germinated by soaking brown rice in water. This germinated brown rice has higher nutritional value than ordinary brown rice, it also increases the diet effect obtained. Also, brown rice contains a kind of plant hormone called "abscise acid" and it is said to be harmful to our body. However, abscise acid disappears completely by germinating unpolished rice, so it is essential to germinate brown rice. Just germination takes time, it usually takes 2-3 days. Also, it may take more time in winter because of the temperature drops. When unpolished rice germinates, you can see that the buds are coming out as "barks" about 0.5 to 1 mm compared to before germination. Germinated brown rice is also on the market, but let's be careful as there are things that are not germinated securely.

                                How to cook brown rice:

Since how to cook brown rice differs from how to cook white rice, attention is necessary. First of all, when washing brown rice, it is not necessary to wash Goshi Goshi like white rice, it is OK to gently wash hands with a feeling of taking dust on the surface. And let's go browse the rice diet with brown rice by the following procedure!

                                  How was that?

We do not have customs to eat brown rice on a regular basis, eating white rice is common, but brown rice contains abundant nutrition than white rice. Thanks to its abundant nutrition, it was good for diet, health, and beauty so you could understand the merit of a brown rice diet. However, it takes some trouble to eat brown rice. It is necessary to germinate to increase nutritional value and to eliminate harmful ingredients. It takes time and labor but brown rice with great effect obtained by it is great. Please try challenging if you like.

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